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2023 Pride Month Fundraiser

2023 Pride Month Fundraiser

Just like last year, during the month of June I will be raising money for the The Trevor Project. Instead of a single item up for grabs, I am expanded the selection to 3 items in a new collection of turned goods. 

There are three Pride themed items available. 

Walnut bowl approximately 6.625" round with rainbow skateboard veneer

Hand holding walnut bowl with rainbow stripe

Walnut bowl approximately 7.5" round with blue and pink skateboard veneer 

Hand holding walnut bowl with blue and pink stripe

Walnut ring pillow approximately 6.5" round with rainbow skateboard veneer

Walnut and rainbow stripe ring pillow with two rings

Now that you've seen the goods, you're probably wondering how can you get your hands on one of them. There are a couple of ways to win one of these items:

  1. I'm selling stickers for your laptop or whatever you want to put them on for $20 each. Each sticker you buy, will get an entry into the raffle. 
  2. Purchase any of my in-stock items and receive an entry in the raffle based on your purchase amount. Spend less than $100 and get two entries in the raffle, spend over $100 and receive three entries. 

At the end of the month, I'll pick one winner for each item.

When the raffle is over, I'll be donating 100% of the money to The Trevor Project. The Trevor Project provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people. With the increase in anti-LGBTQ legislation in the United States, organizations like The Trevor Project are going to be increasingly necessary for people who are struggling. 

Get your stickers here and support The Trevor Project in the process.

Outside of the US? Please contact me before ordering.

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